Celebrating Women's History Month: Anita Borg

Celebrating Women's History Month: Anita Borg

March 15, 2023

As Women’s History Month takes place in efforts to showcase women’s contributions to society in the past and present, Codology is launching a four-article series highlighting women who have contributed extensively to the world of computer science, seconding with Anita Borg.

Founder of the Institute for Women and Technology and the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing, Anita Borg earned her bachelor's degree in computer science from the University of Washington in 1967. She then received her doctorate from New York University in 1981 and would work on developing a Unix-based operating system for the next four years before joining the Digital Equipment Corporation in 1986.

There, she worked on high-speed memory systems and developed the email and web-based MECCA (Message-Enabled Communication and Information System) upon founding Systers, the first email network for technical women in computing. Systers provided a platform for women to discuss issues and advocate for better representation, combatting issues such as Mattel Inc. attempting to sell Barbie dolls stating, “math class is tough.” 

Logo of Digital Equipment Corporation

In 1994, Borg co-founded the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing with computer scientist Telle Whitney, creating a conference for female computer scientists. And three years after, she continued her efforts to increase female representation in technology and computer science by founding the Institute for Women and Technology (now known as AnitaB.org).

Grace Hopper Celebrations continue to take place, serving as the world’s largest gatherings of women and non-binary technologists. 

Numerous awards, including the Augusta Ada Lovelace Award, Presidential Commission, Heinz Award, and EFF Pioneer Award, have helped recognize Borg's contributions to computer science, which continue to live on with the accompaniment of the Google Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship and the UNSW School of Computer Science and Engineering's Anita Borg Prize. Her efforts have done much to advance the representation of women in computing, and though representation is still lacking, we can continue to work toward change with the guidance of her legacy.

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